Follow the links below for full details on some of our different groups
ABC Tots (0-4 year olds)
ABC tots is a free baby and toddler group for 0-4 year olds and their parents and carers. It runs every Friday during term time from 9:45-11am, beginning on Friday 13 September 2024. Join us for fun with a variety of toys, refreshments to enjoy, singing time and more! For more information, please contact Abi Copperwheat here
Explorers (3.5-6yr olds)
Explorers is an exciting Bible Club for children from around 3½ to 6 years old We meet in the Side Hall on Mondays during term time from 3:45–4:45pm We have lots of fun learning about God by exploring the Bible We: sing songs play games have a snack make crafts We have a limited number of places If you might be interested in your child joining us…
Fish Club (5-10yr olds)
Fish Club is a Bible-based club on Wednesday evenings from 6.00-7.00pm, for children aged 5-10/11 years. We have games, crafts and a Bible talk. For further information please e-mail us.
Wayfinders (Year 6 onwards)
Younger Wayfinders for Years 6 to 9. Fridays (termtime) 7:30pm – 9.30pm Older Wayfinders for Year 10 onwards. Fridays (termtime) 7:45pm – 10.00pm
Men’s Events
MEN’S BREAKFAST Do join us for a time of prayer and study over a tasty breakfast from 7:30am to 9:00amMeeting in the Church side hallSee our calendar for details of dates. Contact Dave Crane or the Church Office for more information, or feel free to just turn up! MEN’S EVENTS We run a number of events throughout the year – keep an eye on our calendar…
Company Café
Women’s Events
We have a variety of regular women’s events See our calendar for details of dates Contact us here for more information, or feel free to just turn up! LADIES EVENING GROUP We meet monthly, in the evening, to enjoy a varied selection of events. Some are in homes, some in our Church hall and others are trips out and about. We nearly always make time for…
Hangout Hub (11-16 year olds)
Hangout Hub is FREE of chargeEVERYONE is welcomeDrop in for as long as you want, every week or once in a while Opening 12 September 2024Thursdays (during term time) 3.00 – 4.30pmDrinks & cakes providedPop in for games, chat or just to chill Code of Conduct Not observing the code of conduct may result in your child being requested to leave. If…